Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Power of Commitment

Hi All,

First I want to say thank you for all the support that I've gotten from many of you regarding this blog. Now I want to say that the best way to get the blog is to become a follower of it on the upper right corner... that way, I won't have to send it to you everyday... you can just receive it in your mailbox, I guess.

Anyway, I'm going to report on both yesterday and today.

I've found out a few things that are becoming clear in the process of manifestation.  First of all, you must be committed to whatever you want to manifest... any wavering in the commitment and the thing falls apart. Un-coincidentally, this is the case for all areas of life, i.e.: relationships, jobs, businesses, etc...
I don't know the reason why the universe works this way... all I know is that any degree of wavering commitment, compounded with the obstacles that present themselves in this process will demoralize or defeat you... and soon you'll be out looking for another relationship, job or a new business.
I was faced with a day that was very challenging. So I paused, in the middle of the day, and started to meditate and reset my intention of the day by visualizing people very interested and saying "yes" to it... as well as a visualization of the refurbished building... I set my intention to talk to at least 3 people/potential investors and ask them to take a look at the business plan. The catch was that I didn't know who I was going to call or talk to... but soon, after I did this visualization... I got a call from a friend, who led me to another person. Shortly thereafter, I got a return call from my friend Alex and told me that He would present the plan to the investors who funded his own project. Later yesterday, I got a chance to talk to someone else about it. What I keep getting is that is not necessary to know where the money/opportunity/relationship is going to come from. However, it is necessary to stay committed to the project itself... because the universe will align itself with your commitment.

The other thing that I found was that the power of intention is very real. As I was driving away from visiting a client, I decided to call one of the people that I had already presented the plan to... basically I wanted to see what his thoughts were... but before actually talking to him, I closed my eyes and visualized him saying "yes" and got the chills and felt my body get very excited and positive... like I'm getting right now... After I finished, He answered his phone -which is remarkable, 'cause he never answers it- and he told me that He has someone very interested in the project.... and that is the reason why in the midst of the uncertainty that I find myself in, I'm very confident that this is happening... It is not necessary for me to know how this is going to  come together, it is only necessary to know that it is!

Another thing that I've found is that my courage to talk to people, who I would not have talked to, has increased. The reason is that the level of my courage is directly related to the degree of my commitment to myself.

Talk to you tomorrow.

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