Saturday, August 28, 2010

Faith in the Universe

It has been an interesting last day and a half.
I've had some great news, yet, it is not happening as quickly as I'd like it to be... there is that fear, again.
One thing is very clear. After looking at all of my intention and my commitment to this project, I cannot live in the "how."
I have to have faith that the Universe will provide as long as I keep my focus and faith. It is not necessary for me to know how it will happen, just that it will... the problem is that, for a control freak like me...that is not enough... sometimes. Mostly because all my control comes from fear... fear that I may lose the opportunity or not get what I want... or the fear that I used to have in relationships... that I had to know that the other person was committed to me, regardless of whether I was ready to commit myself... because I wanted to have the upper hand... or because I was too afraid to commit and give the other person the opportunity to leave me. I know now that there are no "sure" things  in life.... that the only "sure" thing is change.
The highest that I can go is to let go and let the universe be in charge.... like it already and always is... because control is an illusion. I can't control what happens or how things happen. As a matter of fact, every time I've tried to control the path things should take, the more they are at risk of going the way I don't want them to go.
So the one of the lessons that I'm learning through this process is that I have to put all my effort and do everything in my power to make this project happen and then get out of the way of the universe.

One of my favorite movies of all time is "The Matrix." I find this movie to be one of the most spiritual movies of all time (if you haven't realized that, you should watch it again)... because one of the things that I know is that this world is not real.... that everything is composed of electrons rotating around atoms... but in between there is empty space that we cannot detect, because our senses are not that sophisticated. If you find this hard to believe, I invite you to watch "what the bleep do we know." And also, maybe open up your 8th grade physics books (at least that was the grade that I remember this topic)... and if nothing is really what it seems, then we can really just create whatever we want....hard to grasp, but it worth the try.... I have seen the power of intention work first hand, the difficult part is to use it when it actually counts.

A funny thing is that the head of the non-profit which will manage the property in Texas, Elroy calls me Neo. In the beginning, I used to think that Elroy didn't quite understand that my name is Napoleon. So one day one of the other people involved in this project, asked me if this gentleman knew my name...  I told him that I didn't think he did, 'cause he kept calling me Neo... but I said that it was close enough. So in one of the conversations that we had, I brought this matter to his attention. He told me that he know that my name is Napoleon, but he saw me as Neo from the Matrix... he went on to say that he believed in me, that he saw the fire and determination in me that was going to be necessary to create this facility... I was deeply moved by what he said.

One thing became clear, that sometimes others believe in us more than we believe in ourselves.... or maybe they inspire us to become bigger than who we think we are.

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